Manhattan Beach City, Police, Schools Issue Joint Statement on School Safety
May 28, 2022 11:32AM ● By Mb News Staff
“We stand with the community of Uvalde as this horrific tragedy has left
the nation and our community heartbroken. As a parent myself, I can’t
fathom the pain of the victims’ loved ones. It is devastating,” said
MBUSD Board of Trustees President Sally Peel.
“Our district has taken many steps to provide safe and secure places
for all of our staff and students. We are confident in the site-specific
safety plans implemented at our campuses.”
Over the past several decades, the city, MBUSD, and the MBPD have enjoyed a long, positive, and collaborative partnership. “Together, we strive to make every effort to ensure our schools are a safe and supportive environment where students can focus on their learning while always feeling protected as they grow academically, socially, and emotionally,” said MBUSD Superintendent John Bowes.
“In the wake of the school tragedy, MBPD would like to assure the community there are no current threats to our schools, and MBPD will be conducting highly visible patrols around the schools out of an abundance of caution,” said Acting Police Chief Derrick Abell.
MBUSD and MPBD continue to partner in the implementation and continuous evaluation of actions and measures for the safety of our students and community including:
- Patrol officers and maintenance staff conduct security checks throughout their respective shifts and maintain an active relationship with school staff, students, and parents.
- Traffic officers monitor pedestrian and vehicle traffic during school hours.
- Each school site maintains a locked perimeter during the school day, and all visitors to campus are required to check in through each school’s front office.
- Every campus conducts regular drills to prepare for the possibility of a variety of emergencies, including earthquake, fire, shelter in place, and lockdown procedures.
- Each school reviews and updates its safety plan on an annual basis, and the school board approves those plans.
- The city currently staffs one MBPD officer who is assigned full time to District schools through the Police Department’s School Resource Officer Program.
- Manhattan Beach Police respond to and investigate all school safety threats, including those on social media.
- Crossing guards monitor major traffic intersections on students’ routes to and from school, interacting with pedestrians who are approaching campuses.
- All emergency systems at all school sites are tested regularly.
- Classroom doors are equipped with Lock-Blocs to help teachers lock and secure doors from the inside of their classrooms.
- Police, City officials, and school administrators meet regularly to discuss opportunities to improve school safety and security measures.
- The Police SWAT Team conducts an annual review of each school’s infrastructure and emergency evacuation plan.
- MBPD patrol supervisors regularly conduct briefings and training with officers to address emergency responses to our schools.
- The MBUSD Board of Trustees, on December 11, 2019, adopted a resolution supporting safe gun storage; parents are updated annually about this important resolution.
What can parents, families, and Manhattan Beach residents do to help?
- Stay connected with your children and monitor their social media activities and feeds.
- Establish parent communication networks to discuss student/child safety in and outside of school.
- Reach out to the principal, the Police Department, or other trained professionals if you see behavior that has the potential for causing self-harm or harm to others.
- Ensure that if you own a firearm, it is locked up . . . it’s the law!
- Take a moment to make sure that your children understand that any school threat, regardless of the intention, may result in serious criminal and civil charges, and life-long consequences.
- Prepare your home and your family for an emergency. To learn more about how to be prepared view the City’s Emergency Preparedness webpage.
- If you hear or see something, say something! Please reinforce with your children the importance of reporting any concerns to a parent/guardian, teacher, or trusted adult. Please report safety concerns to your school or to the Manhattan Beach Police Department. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1. If it is a non-emergency, but something that should be looked into, please call 310-545-4566.
Safety is everyone's responsibility. By working together and communicating openly, and especially by talking with and listening to our students, we will continue to do all we can to make sure our campuses are safe spaces where every child can learn and thrive.